I am an experienced Fitness Coach whose main Specialism is in Female Health, Wellness and Exercise throughout all life cycles, from Pregnancy to Post Natal and throughout the Menopause Transition

My name is Jo Holt, founder of Woman’s Life Cycle Wellness.

I'm Jo and I am a Woman's Exercise and Wellness Specialist. I have recently returned to self employment after having my 2nd child. “Woman's Life Cycle Wellness” is specific to females Transitioning through their Menopause journey. With a further sub brand “Woman’s Life Cycle Strength”, by Jo Holt, Specialising in Teenage Female Health and Wellness right through to Pre/Pregnancy & Post Partum Exercise and Wellbeing.

Having a love of fitness all my life and growing up in Milngavie with the moors, reservoir and safety of the streets and varied routes for running, junior golf, school hockey team etc it was after having my first child almost 16 years ago, I decided I needed to stop doing office work just to earn to pay the bills and to re-train in what gives me joy and personal satisfaction.

I chose to coach post natal women due to my own postpartum return to exercise journey. My exercise of choice was Kickboxing which I love however, the male coach gave outdated exercises, one size fits all and I ended up with a hernia. I also had an episiotomy therefore had to seek assistance and work on returning to running carefully. I ran Post Natal exercise classes 3 times per week in Milngavie & Bearsden then, at the ripe age of 45, fell pregnant again and ceased the classes when 5 months pregnant. Had baby number 2 just weeks shy of turning 46 then covid struck and, like many other small businesses, had no option but to cease trading.

In addition to the basic Pre & Post Natal Exercise Qualification, I further studied Advanced Post Natal Strength & Wellness, then Pregnancy & Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialism, a course which was created by a leading Female Health Physiotherapist. I am GP Exercise Referral Certified, Level 3 Personal Trainer, Boxing Scotland Certified Coach, and Peri to Post Menopause Exercise & Wellness Practitioner which I qualified in due to hitting Peri Menopause myself and the struggles that go along with decreasing hormones. All the conversations with friends of similar age and their struggles, one of whom, sadly took her own life 2 year ago, aged just 50. This further drove my passion to better serve this population of females.

I have always sought to fully understand the women standing in front of me and deliver a whole person approach to assist them in improving their overall wellbeing.

Helping all females, including young girls, from the start of their menstrual and hormonal journey through to adulthood. Providing education and awareness of the impact their developing menstrual cycle has on their overall physical and mental health and wellbeing, assisting them to use this knowledge to thrive in all that they personally endeavour to achieve.

Throughout my many years being a Fitness Coach and Personal Trainer, my experience is that female’s mental and physical health has been neglected as a whole, even more so during and post covid, and my personal mission is to be a part of a bigger movement to ensure that female health is seen as a priority throughout all life stages.

Thank you for reading my personal biography.